Things You Can Do To Recover Quicker From A Workout

Things You Can Do To Recover Quicker From A Workout

14 July 2022
 Categories: , Blog

If you know that you've overdone it while working out, there are things that you can do to lessen the negative effects like muscle soreness and fatigue.

First and foremost, you should determine if you're actually injured or just overworked. If you have pain during or after working out, you may have injured yourself and should seek medical attention, especially if the pain doesn't subside.

However, if you only feel fatigued in your muscles and have the gut feeling that you've overdone it, then you can try doing the following things to help alleviate the muscle soreness that is likely soon to follow:

Drinking Whey Protein

The whey is the thin, watery layer that can sometimes be seen floating on top of a yogurt or cottage cheese container when you first open it. It comes from milk.

Whey protein is loaded with all 9 essential amino acids. These amino acids create the proteins that form your muscles and tendons.

For your body to repair the damage caused by overworking your muscles, you need a large amount of these amino acids in your diet.

The whey from milk actually tastes pretty bad. But, luckily for you, you can find great sources of whey protein in nutrition supplements, usually in the form of flavored powders that you add to water and then drink after a workout.

Taking Cold Showers

It can be hard to get used to cold showers, but they really work wonders for the muscles of your body. This is especially true if you can't yet feel exactly which part of your body needs a more direct and concentrated cold treatment, like an ice pack.

Cold water helps your muscles to relax and reduce inflammation. Plus, you feel so much more refreshed after a cold shower, when compared to taking a hot one.

Taking NSAIDS Before Bed

For many people, post workout soreness seems to really show up in the morning after a hard day's workout. To combat this, you can take NSAID pain relievers (like Motrin and Aleve) before bedtime.

NSAIDs work by blocking certain harmful proteins in the body that cause inflammation, pain, and swelling. By taking them at night, you're helping to reduce the natural inflammation that occurs as your body tries to heal itself while you sleep.

Follow the instructions on the label and always try to take NSAIDs with food, especially Motrin. These over-the-counter drugs can lead to belly aches on an empty stomach.

For more information, contact an exercise and fitness recovery clinic in your area.